Mike Hilliges District Maintenance Supervisor michaelhilliges@npsne.org |
Derek Bennett Assistant District Maintenance Supervisor derekbennett@npsne.org |
Theresa Becker District Transportation Coordinator/Maintenance Building Manager theresabecker@npsne.org |
Korrine Hall SPED Transportation Coordinator/District Transportation Rules and Regulations, Driver Training, Federal and State Transportation Compliance korrinehall@npsne.org |
Amanda Loewe Maintenance Secretary amandaloewe@npsne.org |
Tyler Jacot Mechanic tylerjacot@npsne.org |
Shad Butterfield General Maintenance shadbutterfield@npsne.org |
Kim Reinke General Maintenance/Detailer kimreinke@npsne.org |
Rob Rohrich Grounds Supervisor, Maintenance, Bus Driver robertrohrich@npsne.org |
Dan Rumfelt Custodial Supervisor/General Maintenance danrumfelt@npsne.org |
Dana Spaulding Welder, Carpenter, General Maintenance, Bus Driver danaspaulding@npsne.org |
Brad Spreeman Maintenance & Deliveries bradleyspreeman@npsne.org |
Mike Thomas Maintenance & Deliveries mikethomas@npsne.org |
Avery Rader Plumbing, Grounds, Irrigation, General Maintenance, Bus Driver averyrader@npsne.org |
Rodney Beeks Mechanic, General Maintenance, Bus Driver rodneybeeks@npsne.org |
Benjamin Reyes Custodial, General Maintenance benjaminreyes@npsne.org |
Kevin Malena General Maintenance kevinmalena@npsne.org |
Gail Gray Custodial gailgray@npsne.org |