NPS Grade Scale

NPS Grade Scale: Grades at NPS shall reflect student progress through a variety of valid, reliable assessments of student progress toward prioritized learning targets including, but not limited to, such things as: in-class assignments and activities, homework assignments, portfolios, research projects, authentic performance assessments, quizzes, tests and examinations. Initial practice with new skills or concepts should be supported with timely, developmental feedback but should not be graded. Homework assignments shall be in accordance with Policy #6240 and Administrative Rule AR-6240. Grades are assigned by teachers using a standardized (district-wide) percentage range and letter grade scale and are determined using the NPS proficiency target/GPA conversion scale in accordance with Policy #6250 Grading. 

Homework: Norfolk Public Schools believes that homework contributes to the development of our students by building responsibility, self-discipline, academic achievement, and lifelong learning habits, when it has a clear academic purpose that is focused on learning targets.  Norfolk Public Schools also values our partnership with parents and believes that strong family involvement is critical to student success.

Homework Definition-homework supports learning standards and targets, provides practice on learning targets introduced during the school day, strengthens the learning of concepts, knowledge, procedures and skills. Homework provides opportunities for individual student growth, maintains a clear purpose that is communicated to students, increases students’ responsibility for learning and encourages collaboration between parents, students and teachers. 

Grading Assignment Calculations:

  • Homework will be included as part of the formative portion of a student’s final grade calculation, as indicated below: 
    • K-2 Formative 0% Summative 100%
    • 3-4 Formative 10% Summative 90%
    • 5-12 Formative 15% Summative 85%
  • Departments and grade levels will be given discretion to determine what types of assignments and activities (homework, class activities, labs, quizzes) will be included within the category of formative work and how much weight will be assigned to each, as long as they comply with the percentages listed above.

Simplified Grading Scale:


*Comprehensive Conversion chart can be found on the Senior High Guidance Webpage. 
*Advanced placement bumps only occur in Advanced Placement courses at the senior high school.

Senior High Dual Credit and Advanced Placement Courses:

(AP) courses are college-level courses offered in high school. AP courses reflect what is taught in introductory college courses, and follow a nationwide curriculum.  At the end of course, students can choose to take AP Exams, which are standardized exams that measure how well students have mastered college-level course work.  Students who do well on AP Exams can earn credit and/or placement into advanced courses in college. AP course semester grades are weighted by 10% onto the final course 4.0 GPA equivalency. (for example 4.0 x 10% = 4.4 GPA)
Dual Credit courses that are not AP are also available at the senior high school but do not earn any bump to the GPA.