Purchasing Procedure
Each Building principal has a discretionary budget to support the activities in their buildings. Other District administrators are responsible for specific budget areas and/or various state/federal grants. The purchasing procedures are guidelines for (1) the approval of all purchases of $250 or greater; (2) delineation between the varied budget areas and; (3) allow discretionary preapproval of spending for those who are ultimately responsible for District resources. By following these procedures using the Purchase Requisition below, the Business Services Department will have a much more accurate accounting for District resources. Purchases less than $250 require building Principal's signature only. To make a purchase totaling $250 or greater, the purchase must have approval by building Principal and/or the Department head administrator, and Director of Business Services and/or Superintendent.
Credit Card Procedure
The purpose of the Bank First is to establish a more efficient, cost-effective method of purchasing and paying for low-cost SUPPLY ITEMS required for School District business. All cards are issued with the approval of your building principal/administrator, Director of Business Services and the Superintendent. Card usage may be audited and/or rescinded at any time. Please contact the Business Office for additional information or clarification on district Credit Card usage.
Travel Procedure
It is the intent of the Norfolk Public School ("District") to provide reimbursement to employees for pre-approved expenditures incurred by them while traveling on behalf of the district. In order to be fair and equitable to the employee, it is the intent of the District that employees be fully reimbursed for pre-approved allowable expenditures incurred as a result of required District travel. Required travel includes travel at the direction of the Board, Superintendent, or immediate supervisor. Travel that is an integral part of an individual position is also considered to be required. Please use the attached links for further information and completion.
Inter-School Mileage
Designated District staff will be compensated for mileage related to the performance of assigned duties that require travel between District buildings. Mileage expenses will be reimbursed to those staff using privately owned vehicles while engaged in District business. The mileage rate will be determined annually by the Nebraska Department of Education. Please use attached links for further information and completion.