Soft Skill Grades

Separation of Academic and NonAcademic Factors: Other factors that attribute to positive student growth and development include soft skills. NPS academic grades will be based solely on student achievement of course/grade level standards. Student attendance, effort, ability, participation, attitude and other behaviors will be reported separately in a Life Skills or N’Ployability Rubric. The K-6 Life Skills Rubric is found on report cards and within Infinite Campus. 7-12th Life Skills & N’Ployability Rubrics are found electronically in Infinite Campus within the course grade.  

RESPONSIBLE: comes prepared, completes assignments, shows effort
RESPECTFUL: listens and responds appropriately, respectful, expresses appropriate emotions
SAFE: follows rules & direction, makes appropriate decisions
RESPONSIBLE: reliable, prepared for learning, work completed, arrives on time
RESPECTFUL: follows directions, uses expected facial expressions, body language, “kind” words, tone and volume of voice, listens and considers the thoughts, feeling & opinions of others
RESOURCEFUL: engages in creative problem-solving, strives for reasonable solutions, identifies and utilizes resources
RESILIENT: able to self-monitor and adjust emotions and behaviors based on context/situations, takes relevant risks, recognizes hidden rules for expected behavior, learns from experience
9-12 'N' Ployability Skills
RESPONSIBLE: comes to class on time and prepared, manages time effectively, and demonstrates the ability to work to deadlines 
RESPECTFUL: works well with others, regardless of their ability; respects others and the learning environment; and contributes positively to the class and the school
RESOURCEFUL: applies appropriate academic and technical skills, demonstrates creativity and innovation, utilizes technology appropriately and responsibly, and takes risks, understanding that failure is a learning opportunity
RESILIENT: demonstrates a strong sense of purpose and accepts feedback for learning; self-advocates, asking for help when needed; knows how to ask questions and get answers; and demonstrates appropriate critical-thinking and problem-solving skills, persisting in finding solutions