
Hello, and welcome to "Staff Two".. or actually you may have noticed that allthough the link you clicked on said you are now actually on the Adminstrators page inside of that staff location. This is because we set the main staff page to be a "weblink" (it's a setting on the settings tab, looks for resource type) and we set the weblink on that page to the resource ID of  Administrators.. i.e. 957.

The staff member groups are again container resources inside of the "Staff Two" resource but this time since we are displaying the staff members on those pages we use the "Staff Main Page Template" on these resources instead. So, when these pages are viewed they display all the Staff Members inside of them selves, simular to how "Staff One" worked.

These staff category pages then have the "Hide From Menu" check removed, so the user can select which cateogry of staff they want to view from the left menu.

Staff Method Three "/test/staff-methods/staff-three/"