Principal's Page

Welcome Back! We are incredibly excited to begin the 2022-2023 school year here at Jefferson Elementary School! This promises to be a year filled with golden opportunities for all of our students as we strive to find ways that we can be even better than we have before!  We embark on this journey with a pledge to you, our students and parents, that this will be a year of engaging, meaningful and rigorous work in our classrooms, combined with special events and a plethora of exciting activities.

We look forward to a very positive and productive year together!  We extend a special, yearlong invitation to our families to join us at school activities and events whenever possible.  We want and value your involvement and support in your child’s education!  Your active participation is key to the success of your young Panther during his/her elementary school years.

Please know that we highly value home/school communication here at Jefferson.  It is vital and plays an integral role in each student’s success.  We encourage you to contact us if/when the need arises, and to stay in the know about your child’s studies, assignments, assessments, and school activities, as well as other events and happenings.

 Again, we welcome you to Jefferson! Here’s to an AWESOME new school year as we work together to make our school a great place to work and learn each day! 


 Mrs. London