
Meet and Mentor (M&M) Groups

Meet and Mentor (M & M) groups meet twice a month for all Grant students and all Grant staff.  Each staff member (classified and certified) leads a small group of 7-9 students for 15 minutes every other week; each group has students in grades kindergarten through fourth grade.  The cross grade level groupings have helped us build community as our discussions…

New Dictionaries for Third Grade Students

Norfolk Morning Kiwana's member Kim Long came to visit and brought dandy DICTIONARIES for every third grade student!! Thank you Morning Kiwanas!!!

A Peek Inside Miss Gleason's Classroom

Third grade is such an amazing year in the life of a child.  The learning curve is intense and the transitions are many! Here is a peek into a new third grade student’s school day…

Instead of learning to read, we are now reading to learn!  We are learning to dig deeper into our reading.  We constantly look back and reread to find text…