
Beginning of School Dates

First day of school for group A will be August 12th and group B will be August 13th. All students will then come together on August 14th. We all look forward to seeing everyone and having a great year.

Mrs. Werner's Kids Reading with Buddies

What a great way to have younger students and older students learn together.  The first and fourth grade students read books to each other and asked comprehension questions based on the book they read. The books that were used were students DIBs book that they get to take home and read with each night. The students all enjoyed working together to share the love of reading.

Staff Missing Students and Handing out Packets

The staff at Westside have been working hard to prepare packets for continued learning.  Everyone is missing the students terribly.  We all wish things were back to normal but everyone is doing their best to go on and thrive during this period of adversity. We saw lots of faces from car windows as packets were being handed out.  Hope everyone will stay safe and will see everyone again on 4-8-20…

Mrs. Boubin's Class Work on Fractions

Fractions have been the learning target in math for the third graders in Mrs. Boubin’s classroom this week. Students are learning key vocabulary like the denominator which is located below the fraction bar and shows the total number of equal parts. The numerator is on top of the fraction bar and shows how many equal parts are described. Students created some fractions with Lucky Charms and found…

Middle School Information Night

4th Graders and their families mark your calendars.  The Norfolk Middle School is having their 5th grade information night for the 2020-2021 school year.  It will be Tuesday, March 31st at 7:15 p.m.  For current 4th grade students and parents from BelAir, Westside, Woodland Park.  If you have any questions please call 402-644-2569.

ELL Students Working Hard


Mrs. Pospisil's Class Deciding Lamb or Lion

The first graders in Mrs. Pospisil’s class have been spending time discussing how the weather will be in March. We started by reading a book called ‘In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb’ by Marion Dane Bauer. Then we categorized types of weather to either a lion (harsh) or a lamb (calm). Students described lion weather to be stormy, cold, windy, and snowy. Students described lamb weather to be calm,…

Bucket Fillers of the Month!

Our character trait for this month has been staying on task.  These students all showed great skills in this area.  It is difficult sometimes to ignore distractions and keep yourself focused.  Our winners this month showed a lot of maturity in this area.  Way to go kids.

What's Been Happening in PE

Oh what fun we have been having in PE!

We just finished our Hockey Unit and will be starting Tumbling soon.Ask your child what animal is their favorite.

We made a Kindness Chain and it is hanging in the Gym, come check it out!
First graders say, "It's cool to be kind!"

The Fastest class this semester is Mrs. Rowse's 2nd Graders! CONGRATS!

Spring is coming and…

Miss Williams 3rd Grade Celebrate Kindness

To celebrate National Kindness Day in February, 3rd graders wanted to give back to the community. We decided to practice our writing skills by creating cards with student written poetry about spring. These cards are going to be put into the Meals on Wheels bags that are delivered daily to residents of Norfolk. The students enjoyed using their poetry skills in such a creative way.