About Us

About Us

Washington Elementary is located at 1205 South Second Street in Norfolk, Nebraska. The building was constructed in 1970 with an addition completed in 1987 and another addition in 2007. Washington Elementary School is a schoolwide Title 1 building that serves approximately 250 students. It is a kindergarten through fourth grade facility. Washington provides regular education, English Language Learner (ELL) education, and special education in the areas of academics, speech, vision, occupational and physical therapy, and behavioral disorders.

Washington Elementary School has been recognized with multiple state and national awards for excellence in education. May 11th 2017 Governor Pete Ricketts visited Washington School at an assembly which was held in the school gym. He recognized teacher excellence that has led to improved student outcomes.

2015 National Blue Ribbon School - a highly prestigious honor awarded to schools considered Exemplary High Performing by national standards.  The school applications are evaluated in an extensive review process among public and private schools throughout the nation.

2017 National Distinguished Title I School - This national award is given annually to two schools per state and recognizes exceptional student achievement in a Title I school. Washington Elementary has been selected as a Category 1 recipient for this award.  A Category 1 recipient is defined as a school with exceptional student performance for two or more consecutive years.

Washington Elementary School has built its reputation on teamwork and a strong work ethic. We strive to push the students to reach their full potential. Our success is a product of our students, staff, and families working together on a daily basis. Our mission is to prepare each student to pursue his/her goal for the future.

Washington Education Profile

Washington Title 1 Schoolwide Plan

Combined District and School Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy 6410