Newsletter - Mrs. Vanness

Is it possible that it is November already?  The first quarter just flew by, and our room is always buzzing with excitement and learning.

We spent much of the first quarter studying different life cycles of plants and animals. We learned about frogs, butterflies, chickens, apple trees and pumpkins just to name a few.   We had ladybug larva in our classroom and we were careful observers of all the changes that took place during their life cycle. We watched them transform from larva to pupa to ladybugs and then had to say goodbye to them as we released them outside of the school.  What an amazing thing to observe and the students had all kinds of stories about their adventures!

We have also been  studying nocturnal animals  and we were overflowing with animal facts and research projects.   Some of the favorite animals to study have been bats, owls and zorillas. Yes, zorillas!  (They are in the weasel family and resemble a skunk.) We will continue to learn about these interesting creatures for the next few weeks.  

A few areas we have been covering in math include: multiplication, place value, telling time, addition with carrying, adding doubles and tens, odd and even numbers, 2 digit addition with and without  carrying, subtraction, and money. In language, some jobs on our contracts included the moveable alphabet, drawers, SRA’s, graphemes, ABC order, classification, short and long vowel sounds, blends and digraphs, synonyms and antonyms and many other concepts too.  We definitely know how to keep our minds and bodies active, don’t we?

The continents of North America and South America have been our focus of study. We learned many interesting facts about these continents. We will cover all seven continents this year.


We hope you all have a fantastic November, we know we will at Montessori!!