Mrs. Kirschner's Media News

Media students are focusing on digital citizenship skills.  This month, we look at our digital footprint. Digital footprints are the result of online activity.  Websites visited, social media accounts, pictures posted online are all part of a person’s digital footprint.  As digital citizens who work and socialize online, we need to be aware that what we do online is visible to others, so it is important to be respectful of others and take care of our online reputations.

Third and fourth graders have recently started using gmail accounts and are learning to follow rules of polite etiquette (netiquette) for online behavior.  We examined the NPS Internet Policy so that everyone understands the rules and is aware that cyberbullying will not be tolerated.  Students are also learning to use the Explore research tool available in Google Docs and Slides to know how to correctly site information and follow copyright laws.  Soon, they will begin keyboarding lessons to help them become more proficient with typing skills.


Do Not Share your Private Information Online

Suggestions for Parents & Guardians:

Advise children to avoid providing the following information in any form when playing online:

  • Full name. Have your kiddo choose a screen name that does not include their real first or last name to maintain privacy.

  • School name. Prevent kids from revealing the name of their schools, even when chatting online.

  • Personal address. Warn against sharing your home address, city or even state to anyone online.

  • Email address. Keep your youngster from giving out his email address -- although seemingly harmless, it could open him up to cyberbullying.

  • Phone number. Restrict who your child gives his cell phone number to as well as who he texts -- cyberbullying can happen via your kid's mobile phone, too.

  • Current location. Caution your child against using check-in applications on their Facebook and Twitter pages that tag his whereabouts, which can be via his computer or cell phone app.