- Melissa JantzLittle Panthers Preschool Principal
Office Staff
- Edith De la CruzSecretary
- Michelle AustinTeacher - Early Childhood/PreK
- Melissa BehrensTeacher - Early Childhood/PreK
- Melisa BettinTeacher - Early Childhood/PreK
- Aimee ClausenTeacher - Early Childhood/PreK
- Julie DanielTeacher - Visually Impaired
- Lisa DasherTeacher- Early Childhood/Special Education
- Brandee DrahotaTeacher- Early Childhood/Special Education
- Jessica FernauTeacher- Early Childhood/Special Education
- Virginia FrischTeacher - Special Education
- Karla KnightTeacher - Deaf & Hard of Hearing
- Kimberly LaMieTeacher- Early Childhood/Special Education
- Andrea LunaTeacher- Early Childhood/Special Education
- Brianne MarmolejoTeacher - Early Childhood/PreK
- Citlali RamirezEarly Childhood Coordinator
- Lacy RehanTeacher - Early Childhood/PreK
- Laura SobotkaTeacher - Early Childhood/PreK
- Heather ToddTeacher - Early Childhood/PreK
Guidance Staff
- Citlali RamirezBehavioral Awareness Point of Contact
Support Staff
- Shelby CapetilloSPED Bus DriverParaprofessional - Special Education
- Kathleen RahmigSPED Bus DriverParaprofessional - Special Education
- Rachel BauerSixpence Family Facilitator
- Kerstin DitterSixpence Family Facilitator
- Heather HirschSixpence Family Facilitator
- Kim FrowickInterpreter - Deaf and Hard of Hearing
- Melinda SchiefferHealth Tech
- Cassie OhlPsychologist
- Corliss PenaNurse
- Abbie SummersSpeech Language Pathologist Assistant
- Donita SummersParaprofessional - Special Education
- Amy HaischSpeech Language Pathologist
- Julie MuellerSpeech Language Pathologist
- Teri GarciaParaprofessional- Instructional
- Karina MartinezParaprofessional- Instructional
- Kimberly MartzParaprofessional- Instructional
- Shianne MontgomeryParaprofessional- Instructional
- Elizabeth PerezParaprofessional- Instructional
- Tabetha PetscheParaprofessional- Instructional
- Desiree BarreraParaprofessional - Classroom
- Kayla BoelterParaprofessional - Classroom
- Lynne BorgmannParaprofessional - Classroom
- Morgan ChristiansenParaprofessional - Classroom
- Tahjanae Dillard SteversonParaprofessional - Classroom
- Marisela HahneParaprofessional - Classroom
- Kenna HellbuschParaprofessional - Classroom
- Melissa HoncikParaprofessional - Classroom
- Allison KelloggParaprofessional - Classroom
- Dawn KruseParaprofessional - Classroom
- Emmale SwansonParaprofessional - Classroom
- Elia AraujoParaprofessional - Special Education
- Kimberly BowlandParaprofessional - Special Education
- Ashlee NovotnyParaprofessional - Special Education
- Amanda ThomasParaprofessional - Special Education
- Matthew HolzCustodian