Wow- We can’t believe where this school year has gone!. There have been so many exciting memories that we will never forget. Each student in Mrs. Beacom’s ¾ classroom chose a favorite memory from the 2023-2024 school year. They are:
Emersyn: “My favorite memory is our field trip to Lincoln.”
Emiliano: “The best memory is the field trip.”
Ariella: “My favorite memory is when Mrs. Henn subs!”
Easton: “My best memory is when we went to Lincoln to the capitol and to the museum.”
Ezra: “My favorite memory is kiss the pig!”
Emmitt: “My favorite memory is the capitol field trip.”
Julius: “My favorite memory is the Lincoln field trip and playing my nintendo.”
Emmaline: “My favorite memory was going to the capitol on our Lincoln field trip.”
Genesis: “My favorite memory is the field trip to Lincoln.
Sharon: “My favorite memory is seeing everyone’s faces on my birthday.”
Gianna: “My favorite memory is going on our field trip to Lincoln.”
Madelyn: “My favorite memories are going on the field trip to Lincoln. I love seeing how much my teachers appreciate me.”
Griffin: “My favorite memory from this year is when we went to Lincoln for our field trip.”
Alexis: “My favorite memory of this year is when we played the camping game at the end of the day.”
Cristopher: “My favorite memory is when we ate lunch outside on our field trip.”
Silas: “My favorite memory was the field trip.”
Makinlee: “My favorite memory was the field trip to Lincoln.”
Bowen: “My favorite memory was kiss the pig.”
Leia: “My favorite memory was when the teachers kissed a pig!”
Ari: “My favorite memory was the field trip to Lincoln.”