Do Not Share your Private Information Online


Suggestions for Parents & Guardians:

Advise children to avoid providing the following information in any form when playing online:

  • Full name. Have your kiddo choose a screen name that does not include their real first or last name to maintain privacy.

  • School name. Prevent kids from revealing the name of their schools, even when chatting online.

  • Personal address. Warn against sharing your home address, city or even state to anyone online.

  • Email address. Keep your youngster from giving out his email address -- although seemingly harmless, it could open him up to cyberbullying.

  • Phone number. Restrict who your child gives his cell phone number to as well as who he texts -- cyberbullying can happen via your kid's mobile phone, too.

  • Current location. Caution your child against using check-in applications on their Facebook and Twitter pages that tag his whereabouts, which can be via his computer or cell phone app.