Busy Bees in Kindergarten

Busy Bees in Kindergarten

Kindergarten Kids are busy learning exciting new things each day! In math, we are using pattern blocks, counters, and linking cubes to learn new concepts. We are learning to carefully count objects and write our numbers neatly. We are also learning our months of the year, days of the week, and patterning during daily calendar time.

During reading, we work hard on our letters and sounds. It won't be long before we are reading words, sentences, and stories! One of the best parts about reading block is that we get to work in small groups with our teachers. Small groups mean we get lots of individual turns and attention. This helps us learn even better!

During theme studies we are exploring the fall season. We have been busy learning about the growing stages of the apple. We studied Johnny Appleseed and shared applesauce we made ourselves!! Yum!! We will soon be learning the growing stages of the pumpkin. We will learning about photosynthesis and how it affects trees. We even get to go on a leaf hunt and then categorize the leaves using attributes.

During writing the kiddos are learning to complete story starters and make complete sentences. Soon they will be writing stories, using capital letters, spaces, and end punctuation. You will be amazed at their accomplishments.