Mather News - 1st and 2nd grade New Year's Goals

     Happy New Year! We are all feeling rejuvenated and refreshed after a
relaxing break. The SuperKids have set some amazing goals for the year 2020.
They chose to set academic goals, as well as personal goals and are ready to work
hard to reach them!
My 2020 Goals
By: Mrs. Mather’s SuperKids
Paislee: I want to work on drinking more water. My next goal is to keep our
toy room clean. Also, I want to learn some stuff with babies so I can babysit in two
years. This year I want to get my contract done every single day. Last, I need to
work on my handwriting this year. This is going to be the best year yet!

Tate: To become a better golfer. To become better at swimming. Also, to
win more medals in wrestling. To be a better student role model. To get my
contract done everyday. To get better at multiplication.

Elyn: My goal is to work harder at my contract all year. I also need to work
on my handwriting. And then I need to start reading more chapter books. Next, I
need to get better at basketball. I also want to get better at making my bed in the

Amaris: My 2020 goals are to eat healthy. Next, my goal is to not drink pop.
My third goal is to workout. I want to get better at math facts. Last, I want to get
better at pluses.

Kalub : My first goal is for 3 weeks in a row I will finish my contract. For my
second goal I will help the environment. Those are my 2020 goals and I wonder
what my goals will be in 2021!

Jace: My goal in 2020 is how to wrestle. My second goal is to get better at
drawing. The third goal is to get better at basketball.

Hadley: First, My goal is to work on XtraMath. Second, I will finish my
contract. Third, I am going to finish takeaways. Last, I will practice soccer.

Khloe: My first goal is to get better at Imagine Math Facts. Second, to get a
green on XtraMath. Third, I want to get my contract done. At home I plan on
helping my mom with my siblings. Next, I plan to start cleaning my room when I
am supposed to when my mom and dad tell me to. Last, to start playing soccer at

Mason: My goals for school is to get better at every math fact, learn about more animals, and learn more about the world. My goals for home is to read more,
learn more about science, and exercise outside more.

Jade: My first goal is to work more on XtraMath and subtraction. Second,
my goal is to help out my mom with work. Third, my goal is to try to get green on
XtraMath. And last, my goal is to help out with the class.

Abram: My 2020 goals are to get better at wrestling. My next goal is to get
better at drawing. My last goal is to get better at multiplication.

Coby: First my goal is to eat lots of vegetables. Second, I will try to read hard
words. Third, I plan to try my best at math. Last, try not to fight with my sister.

Kendall: First, my goal is to start hanging out with my mom. Second I will
start helping the environment. Third, my goal is to help other people. Last, my
goal is to start eating healthy.

Aiden: My goal in 2020 is to get my contract done. My second goal is to get
XtraMath done. My last goal is to learn tackle football.

Julian: My 2020 goal is to get better at math. My second goal is to get better
at swimming. My third goal is to get better at reading. My last goal is to get better
at talking to my friends.

Corrin: My 2020 goals are to work hard. Next, I want to eat healthier. And I
want to do sports and do math and piano.

Josie: First my goal is to get my contract done. Next, I will be better at
fractions. Last be better at 4-H. Finally, be better at riding horses.

Damian : First, my goal is to get better at reading. Second, I want to get
better at time. Third, I plan to get better at eating. Last, I want to work hard.

Luke: First, my goal is to go to sleep. Second, get better at math. Third, I will
play more soccer. Last, I will go to school.

Karsyn: My goal is to get better at swimming. Second, I want to get better at
XtraMath. Another goal is to work faster.

Cole: First my goal is to run the 100 meter in track. Second, I want to work
out. Third, I plan to get better at XtraMath. Last, I want to play with my friends.

Hayden: First, my goal is to get better at subtraction. Second, I will not play
video games. Third, my goal is to get my contract done. Last, my goal is to get
better at XtraMath.

Isabella: My goal is to drink more water. Next, I’m trying to get on my
running. At my school I do XtraMath. At home I’m eating carrots. Fifth, at school I
read a lot of books. Sixth, I do lots of work to get all of my work done.

Marshall: My 2020 goals are to clean the whole entire house. I will play with
my sisters. I also work on multiplication and get my work done.