
Symptoms guidance from ELVPHD (08.06.20)

Dr. Jami Jo Thompson sent the following information to student families and staff on 8/6/2020:

Dear Parents,

We are very excited to have students return to our buildings on August 13th and 14th!  Please strongly consider having your child wear a mask to protect him or herself from possible exposure to COVID-19.  Also, please remember that we will be conducting symptom checks…

Congrats & Thank You Nucor Detailing Center!

Nucor Detailing Center receives a Developing Youth Talent Initiative Grant that will support students of Norfolk Public Schools and the surrounding area.

Norfolk Public Schools is excited to congratulate business partner, Nucor Detailing Center (NDC), on their award of a $40,400 Developing Youth Talent Initiative (DYTI) Grant for 2020!  On August 5, 2020, Governor Pete Ricketts announced…